You’ve made the delicate decision to enter the infinite universe of internet dating. In preparation for your dating extravaganza debut, profile photos become your personal billboard. Usually, we don’t take a portfolio of photos of ourselves unless they appear the be the strained and twisted selfies.
Photos taken within recent months will provide a realistic replica of who you are. Action and activity provide a sense of your true persona. It doesn’t have to be jumping on a trampoline or swan diving off a diving board to prove how young you are. Laughing in the kitchen, posing near a historical landmark or Buc-ees statue, adjusting sails on your sailboat, serving food at a charity event, chasing your dog and typing the next great American novel will add interest. Next time you are lounging near a fire pit, ask your cousin to take your picture. Show who you are! Candid shots of putting your tractor away at sunset will create more buzz than a selfie taken in your lounge chair, wearing a wife-beater, watching television.
If you think the selfies you took in the bathroom mirror, toilet in the background, is your best shot – it is not. Is your dream date image one of Preparation H on the shelf behind you? This blog post is primarily directed to daters over 60 years of age. A photo found of you 8 years ago is obviously going to tell the viewer, it is an old photo. What do you think your first impression will be if your photo is dark brunette and you are now super silver? As Popeye used to say, “I Yam What I Yam & Dats What I Yam”! It is unrealistic to think your appearance haven’t changed since George W was in office!
It has been written; professional photographs are the most desirable. Professional photographs taken by someone brave enough to tell you, it isn’t a good idea to include your 25-year-old daughter, in a mini skirt, laying on a table, in a provocative pose, in front of you. Let the professional do their job.
Group shots with the office gang, church volunteers, family reunion, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, your seven sisters or brothers, all the grandchildren or your kids is a distraction. Your prospective sweetheart wants to see what you look like. It doesn’t help to label the image. He or she may think your co-worker is a lot better looking.

Individual headshots and head to toe shots are best. If you were told in 1973, you look spectacular in a speedo or thong swimsuit, survey those unfamiliar with you before posting your recent shots. If you’ve paid to have a ton of surgery to enhance your looks, go for it. This is definitely a “confidence call” on your part.
Photos with your ex’s and deceased partners usually does not invoke sympathy unless this is your goal. You may not be prepared to jump into the dating pool until you are ready to share your time and life with someone new.
We are all beautiful and handsome. Evoke humor, engaging eye contact and confident body language during the next Kodak moment! There is someone out there for each person. Best wishes and “smile”!
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