Skinny Prejudice

Prejudice is a brutal act by any means. Human beings, unconsciously or consciously, stereotype each other upon first greeting. If you appear different in comparison to society’s vision of “normal”, challenges are a given. Being a skinny person in today’s world can lead to isolation and ridicule.

In sales, if you are particularly busy, juggling multiple accounts and the bucks are rolling in, the boss will tell you  it is a grand problem to have. The same applies to being skinny in a circle comprised of over weight people. Assumptions are apparent when introductions are made and the fluffy person rudely walks away. Even as a kid, I took this as a personal affront. How could they not like me when they don’t even know me?

I have had complete strangers walk up to me, in a public and say, “I hate you.” When I ask why, they inform me it is because I am thin. It isn’t a choice I made for myself. Just like the color of my eyes and skin, this is the assemblage I inherited.  I am genetically predisposed to an ectomorphic body build. It is what it is. This isn’t to say I don’t eat good food or never exercise. My food choices, like everyone else, could use improvement. Exercise is running to the refrigerator and all the way back to the couch. An active life will lead to natural exercise if you do most things for yourself – like mowing the lawn and cleaning your own pool. Being on the thin side does not guarantee you are healthy and in great shape. There are loose parts banging around, protruding abdomens, doughy arms and piano leg shapes – just on smaller frames but the ratio can be equal to any others deficits. They are just not evident at all times.

Skinny prejudice is rampant in the media. Mega ads for diet programs, exercise machines, health club hype, exercise avoidance gimmicks and everyone’s favorite has to be the “bind you in foundation garments” that will slim your appearance. I do not recall one ad to build up skinny people to enhance them into voluminous sex gods and goddesses.

There is no prominent national advertising for booty builders, bust bloomers or buttress enhancements. There are fat farms but no skinny farms. “The Biggest Loser” is a popular TV show but the schedule does not include “The Biggest Gainer” programing. Spam emails even advertise in losing weight trick methodology. Facebook ads are even better. If you fall into a specific age category, their marketing algorithms assume you are interested in losing weight, love to buy junk jewelry and are republican. It couldn’t be further from the truth. I don’t like Mit the twit, I only wear the real deal and I could definitely use the 10 pounds someone else may be willing to donate.

The grocery store has shelves of low cal, sugar free, diet, sodium free, imitation taste and real fake food. Twinkies even taste different than they did twenty years ago. There is a saccharin after taste that lingers longer. Try and buy a real shortening and sugar frosted cake. It is near impossible. Bakeries cater to the masses and sell that diaphanous, tasteless, no sugar frosting. Ice-cream is whipped and beaten with extra air to make one think they are getting so much more with less caloric intake. The 100 calorie snack bags contain a couple of crumb crackers in a bag full of air. Where are the products higher in calories, full of dense grease and glorious sugar with sentiments they will make skinny people rubenesque?

Allan Sherman, a comedic genius, was great at promoting the usual into sentimental laughter. He brought to our attention the joy of being ourselves. “Hail to thee, fat person” is a 1960s classic example of embracing who you are with great humor. I am still searching for a song alluding to my body type. We always need a laugh – it keeps the heart healthy.